Monday, 12 March 2012

Roast pepper terrine

This was not a success. I'm going to admit that straight out of the gate. But I think it was my fault. Let me explain.

I have never made a terrine before.

The recipe says to roast 8 red or yellow peppers. I did so. They went all black and crinkly. I peeled them, discarded the peels and seeds, as requested. So far so good.

Sliced them up, and set one aside, as instructed.

Then it says to put 3 cups of mascarpone in a bowl with 3 egg yolks, some herbs (I used basil and parsley) and a clove of garlic. I used more than one clove, because I always do. Then it says "Beat well".

I think this is where I failed, because I did not beat it as well as I perhaps should have, so I don't think the cream thickened up as much as it should have. So, BEAT WELL, dear reader. ;)

Then you whisk the egg whites into soft peaks (which, again, I probably didn't do as well as I should have) and fold them in.

Layer the cheese mixture and the sliced peppers in a loaf tin. Cover with foil. Put it in a roasting pan, with boiling water poured in up to half way up the loaf tin. Bake in a 180C oven for an hour. Leave to cool in the water, then chill overnight.

There's a salsa too, which is just the remaining roasted pepper, two more raw ones, some garlic oil and vinegar, whirred in a food processor.

When I turned the terrine out, mine went FLOP. :( It didn't set. I suspect it was because I didn't beat as well as I should have. It tasted okay, but not great. I will say the salsa was completely amazing though. And the easiest part. Go figure.

Ah, well, can't win 'em all right?

Me: Meh.
(Everyone else was nice, but I think they were lying. ;)

1 comment:

Sikander7 said...

It was pretty good, even if it was not solid...